This week I have a cold. It came about on Wednesday morning - actually, more the night before when the blocked nose woke me and stopped me from getting much sleep. I woke up stiff, achy, unable to breathe with tension headaches. I was not a happy person. And as luck would have it, Wednesday is one of the 2 days I have a lecture, so I couldn't really miss it as that would be like missing a whole week for that subject, which I'm just not going to do.
So I made myself a cup of coffee, dosed up on vitamin C and went to uni. I came home completely shattered but at least I'd remembered to buy myself a pizza for dinner, which Chris cut up for me (I don't know if I'll ever get over how lucky I am to have him). That night I went to bed early. Thankfully I only woke up once or twice.
Thursday was better. I still had the cold but it wasn't affecting my whole body, just my nose and head. So going to uni for 4 hours of learning about Victorian Sex wasn't that bad, and definitely interesting.
And today? I've been resting. My nose hasn't been as annoying but I have general M.E.ness which happens a lot on Fridays as I recover from the chaos uni leaves my body in. I'm tired but motivated which is never fun - who wants to be too ill to do what they've been avoiding, yet now want to do? You see my problem. I don't think that has anything to do with the cold, just the M.E.
So that's been my week - exciting, huh?