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Empty Dreams, Displayed: First Day Back

Wednesday 6 October 2010

First Day Back

Today was the first proper day back at uni.  By that I mean actual lectures rather than the very short introduction to the year (which we'd been told last year) that we had last week.  I have 4 hours of Scriptwriting on Wednesdays and 4 hours of Sexuality & Writing on Thurdays.  Obviously I'm not particularly happy with this but at least both sessions are in the afternoon.

I am a little worried about how my M.E. will effect my studies this year as it feels as if it's got worse over the summer.  However, I survived today and I guess in a few weeks we'll know if I can cope.  The main annoyance is that I know I am completely capable of doing all the work as in the past year I've become quite organised with actually doing things on time so I have plenty of time to re-draft them; it's just the attending lessons that may put me back.

Anyway, we have a new Scriptwriting tutor this year.  So far I'm liking her.  She's said that we'll be doing short writing exercises each class and obviously we'll have a chance to workshop if we want to.  The real annoyance is that once again they've shoved us in the Creative Writing Suite which is tiny and has 8 computers, one very small round table and a tv (though no dvd player).  As there are 9 of us incuding the tutor, this just doesn't work particularly well, as the room is designed for study not teaching.  Sorry, needed to get that little rant out of the way.

You may have noticed I'm blogging more about uni and life in this post, this wasn't planned but is just how it came out.  So what do you think about it?  Do you want to hear more of the specifics and the rants? Because I know that can get tedious, so if you say you don't want to hear it, I'll try and sneak it in so you don't notice.  Please, please comment and let me know.

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