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Empty Dreams, Displayed: May Blogging

Saturday, 5 June 2010

May Blogging

As you probably know last month I blogged here everyday.  For me it was like freewriting in a public space and it wasn't long before I simply ran out of things to say.  I'm sure if I'd actually put some thought into it I could have come up with something interesting to say every day like Kess but as it was it became a little boring and probably doesn't make sense (I haven't actually read over it and won't be for a while as I'm scared of just how bad the writing became).  But now I'm back to blogging normally and I'm finding it much easier.  The reason I started the daily blogging was to make it easier for myself by forcing myself to do it, so I guess in that respect it worked.  Because I now have an idea of what I can/want to include here.  I still want to show my life, my whole life (minus certain sections that are not for the general public to be reading about) but I don't want it to become a day to day diary as it did last month because, let's face it, that is boring.  My life just isn't interesting enough to sustain that.  Not saying my life isn't interesting.  It just isn't every day - and if it was then it would never be interesting (does that make any sense to anyone other than me?).

Now I am comfortable enough with this blogging space to truly expand.  I'm going to continue to experiment a little when it is required.  I am going to continue sharing aspects of my life.  I am going to continue showing my thoughts and feelings on things (though my big ideas will still be featured at my other blog).  I am going to continue to show myself to the world.  But not everyday, only when it is needed.  I am content that I have finally found a medium between both blogs (though I can't promise that that will last forever).

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