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Empty Dreams, Displayed: Still Alive

Saturday, 10 July 2010

Still Alive

I've just realised that I haven't posted here in a week - relax, I'm still alive (which you know, as you, faithful reader, read my other blog).  This week has been many extremes - at the worst I was stuck in bed for almost the whole day, unable to do anything other than sleep until the evening where I managed to get to the lounge and watch some television.  I have been shopping again where I had coffee with my lunch to get me through it and ended up completely hyper followed by completely knackered.  And then there's been today.  Slow but productive (in terms of reading a LOT of blogs and attempting to actually write something) and enjoyable.  Well, except for the blistering heat which leads to sweatiness and stinkiness etc.  So I really don't have anything exciting happening in my life right now - will update as soon as there is, or just to let you know that I'm still alive.

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