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Empty Dreams, Displayed: Surprise!

Wednesday 4 August 2010


Sorry I haven't written in a while but other than feeling lower than my best I have also been planning a surprise birthday party for Chris' 21st.  I can write about it now as the party was on Monday night and I have to say, a complete success.  I have to say without the help of his housemates it probably would have been a flop as organizing an impromtu party through a computer is not something that I'd advise anyone to try and undertake.  It caused me stress and panic but I have to say it was worth it - even the pain of lots of walking and staying up late was worth it and Chris enjoyed himself completely.  And the food was amazing.  The best BBQ food I've ever tasted (and I'm a veggie) as Chris lucked out in getting a former chef as a housemate - seriously, burgers from scratch, sauces from scratch.  And to top it off mini cupcakes from Heaven Is A Cupcake.

I only wish I had some photos to share - if you're lucky there may be a few in the future - but my camera rejected all the batteries I'd bought for it and so wouldn't stay on.  Lesson learnt: don't buy poundland batteries!

Overall it was a good night but not something I'm planning on organising ever again.  And for those who are wondering - yes, he was genuinely surprised.

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